Monday, May 23, 2011

Day 1 - Success

Well yesterday was day 1 of my 12WBT and I must say I smashed it!
I came home from work and did the Michelle Bridges Cardio Kicker dvd and then got on the treadmill to burn some more calories to reach the minimum 500.
I have found the My Fitness Pal app on the iPhone to be great for tracking calories during the day so will continue to use this every day. At the start I though 1200 calories would be hardly anything, BUT with the right food choices it can be really fulfilling. Although yesterday I had 3 meals and 2 snacks and only reached 886 cals which the iPhone app told me was not enough. See what happens today on day 2.
It is a crappy day here in Melbourne. The kids have swimming this morning so after their lesson I might rug them up and head out under the pergola for some boxing training and skipping. Or if it is way too cold I can always head to the gym and use the creche or do a Michelle Bridges DVD again. There is simply no room for excuses with so many options. Best I JFDI!!!

My Mission

My commitment is to smash at least 500 calories 6 days per week. I am going to steer clear of alcohol for the duration of the 12WBT. At the end of the 12WBT I am going to be at least 15 kilos lighter. My true aim it to become an inspiration along the way, not only to other 12WBTers but most of all to the family and friends who refused to sign up with me. I am going to finish in the top 20 and make them all wonder why they wasted 12 weeks of their lives :)

Sunday, May 15, 2011

One week to go!!!

So this time next week I will have started my 12WBT!! I must admit I did have good intentions to be very strict pre season but have found myself having a couple of bad things here and there as I had the excuse that the 12wbt starts on May 23. I think I will have lost a couple of kilos when I weigh in at the start though.

I have been busy getting all geared up and ready for May 23. New gym gear, and a gym bag amongst many things. The gym bag is already packed and in my car for times where it is quiet at work and I can leave and go to the gym. So I am all ready in theory, it's just getting it all into practice next week!! I am all planned out in the diary as to when I plan to go to the gym, there is no reason I shouldn't get to go when I have planned to.

I have loved reading the tweets this weekend of the girls that have been in Melbourne for finale. I can't wait til it's my turn.

I have a feeling this 12WBT is going to change my life :)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Ok with 3 weeks of pre season before 12WBT begins I have decided that I will be reasonably strict and exercise most days. No point putting on more weight as it will just make the journey to lose it all that much longer and harder.

Today I got out my 'goal outfit'. It is a pair of jeans and a top that I used to wear all the time when I had lost weight, so to get back into it would be great and make me feel a real sense of achievement.

So with 15 weeks to go til the end of the 12WBT I have decided this:

I want to get to 60kilos. I haven't been 60kilos since I was a teenager. When I lost weight I got to 65 and felt really good, I still wanted to get to 60 but never did it. This time I will.

So with 19.3 kilos to lose I need to get focused and stay focused. It is not an unachievable amount. Although it is still just under 1.3kilos a week, I am ready to work hard for it and make my goal outfit too big!!!!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Here We Go

Well here we go. I have signed up to the Michelle Bridges 12 Week Body Transformation (12WBT). I am hoping to share my journey with you with this blog, and fingers crossed that in doing so I am kept motivated.

First I will tell you all a little about myself. My name is Sarah and I am 32 years old, although during the 12WBT I will turn 33. I am married to a wonderful man C and we have two young boys W and S who are 4 and 3. I had my boys 13 months apart which at the time seemed crazy but as they grow they are really becoming the best of friends.

After having S I joined the local gym and loved it. I loved having me time while the kids really enjoyed the gym creche. I was in a great routine with the gym and was also following the Celebrity Slim shake diet. Over a period of around 6 months I managed to lose 18kilos. I got down to 65 kilos and I felt fabulous. It was so nice to walk into a shop and buy a size 12 pair of jeans and look good in them. Before this I never even dared to wear denim.

About 12 months ago my husband and I decided to open a hairdressing salon. I had been working from home for 6 years and was ready to get the salon and the clients out of my home. So the week before Christmas 2010 my salon opened. I love it! Being away from the home to work is fabulous. Working with other hairdressers again is the best part. the inspiration we can give each other is the reason I love it so much.

Downside to opening the salon is over the 12-18 months it took to prepare and set up the new business I became so involved that I stopped going to the gym and the weight crept back on. 14 kilos to be exact. I am so angry at myself for letting it back. I feel yuck. My beautiful size 12 jeans are way too tight and I refuse to buy the next size, well it would probably be 2 sizes up by now and I am sure as hell not buying 2 sizes larger. The weight simply must come off.

So in saying this I have signed up to do the 12 Week Body Transformation. It doesn't begin until May 23 so for now I am in pre season training mode. I could have used the few weeks to roll around in junk food and eat as much chocolate as possible but it would only give me more to lose and make me hate the mirror even more, and mirrors are kind of hard to avoid when you spend your days in a hairdressing salon!

I have been having my shakes once again for breakfast and lunch, although I am a little over them so today I might go and buy Michelle Bridges Crunch Time cook book. I never canceled my gym membership so I might get value for money once again. I have been to a couple of classes over the last few days and although I am VERY sore, at least I should be back into full swing by the time the challenge starts.

So here I am. A wife, a mother, a business owner and now a 12 WBTer. I look forward to sharing this journey with you all and hope not to bore you too much with my first ever blog :)